
Tuesday, May 15, 2007

How to avoid Fire at Gas Pump?

Many organisations spend lots and lots of money in their ESD control activities. All the money spent is used to buy wrist strap, wrist strap monitor, ionizer, static shielding bag just to name a few to protect their parts from being damaged by ESD.

There are many controls and awareness on ESD among organisations that build parts that are susceptible to ESD damage.
However, there is poor awareness among the public on the danger of static electricity especially at the gas pump.
According to Steve Fowler who is a static electricity expert says it happens more than you think, “We believe about 1,000 times a year in the U.S.”

To save your life and other person’s life, it is very important to know:

How does fire happen at the gas pump?
Fire breaks out at a gas pump due to static electricity.
When a person goes back to his vehicle, rubbing against the seat while sitting, talking to his children or taking his wallet, static charges are built up within his body due to his movements.
He transfers the static charges when he touches the gas pump nozzle, which generates a spark. The spark then ignites the gasoline vapours and fire breaks out.

Key points to remember when refuelling gas at Gas Station

1. Turn off the engine of your vehicle
2. Touching a metal surface away from the nozzle to discharge your static electricity before fuelling (Some gas pump stations provide Touching Pad for you to reduce your static electricity)
3. Stay near your vehicle fuelling pint – DO NOT re-enter your vehicle
4. Never smock, light matches or use lighters during refuelling
5. Touch your vehicle or a metal surface to discharge any static electricity once refuelling is done before removing the nozzle

Warning: If fire starts, LEAVE the nozzle in the vehicle.
Run away and safe your life.
Contact gas pump attendant immediately to shut down the pump.

Article Source:
Article is published with written permission from


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