
Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Getting The Most From Fabric Softener

Using a fabric softener in the final rinse cycle is a terrific way to get your clothes, sheets and towels to come through the laundry feeling soft and fresh. But, few people realize that the right fabric softener can do so much more than that. Over time, many fabrics can fade in color, or lose the intensity of their whiteness. A good fabric softener will brighten both your white and colored items, keeping your clothing looking new for a long time to come.

Looking Sharp

A quality fabric softener works hard to keep you looking neat and fresh. The appearance of most beautiful and fashionable outfit can be spoiled by messy lint and annoying static cling. But, simply adding fabric softener during the final rinse cycle of your wash helps to keep clothes from attracting lint or developing static cling. In addition, fabric softener will leave your clothes easier to iron, so your outfits will always show you at your well-groomed best.

Being Soft on the Earth

In addition to caring for your laundry, a good fabric softener should care for our planet. Be sure to choose a concentrated formula that creates less waste and that will last you up to 3 times longer than a conventional softener. The container should be a material recyclable in almost all communities, such as HDPE 2 plastic. Read the ingredients carefully to be sure that your fabric softener does not contain any chlorine or phosphates, which would contaminate our soil and water.

Hand Washing with Fabric Softener

Most people are familiar with the use of fabric softener in the washing machine, which is added in the final rinse cycle. But, you also reap all the benefits of fabric softener when you hand wash your delicate items. Simply add 2 teaspoons to the water you use to rinse your hand washables. Fabric softener should never be poured directly on fabrics, whether you are hand or machine washing.

Avoiding a “Shocking” Experience

Most of us have had the unpleasant experience of getting painful shocks in the winter after walking across the carpet and then touching just about anything. When we heat our homes to stay warm during the colder months of the year, moisture is removed from the air, creating a condition of low humidity. This causes the buildup of static electricity we often find in our carpets. To remedy the situation, try mixing a solution of 5 parts water to 1 part fabric softener. Pour into a spray bottle and lightly spray all carpets in your house. You’ll find winter takes on a softer touch.

By: hari

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Author Vincent Platania represents the Fuller Brush Company. Fuller Brush has been in business since 1906, and offers safe, environmentally friendly products for keeping your home and your body clean. Visit


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